Warning assessment: Information design contributions to the evaluation of communication efficacy of front of packaging nutrition labelling


  • Carlos Felipe Urquizar Rojas Univille / UFPR
  • Carla Galvão Spinillo




In the context of nutrition and public health, researchers have evaluated the effectiveness of front of package nutrition warning labels to guide regulatory policies. Their studies little have focused on graphic aspects of warning design that may influence attention, legibility, understanding and processing of information by consumers. Considering this, a meta-analysis of 11 articles selected from the systematic review of the call No. 17/2017 CNPq/ANVISA is presented here. The meta-analysis aimed to (a) identify tests used in studies that evaluated the communication efficacy of front of package nutrition warning labels, and (b) to establish their possible relations to the stages of the communication human information processing model for warnings (C-HIP Model). It includes the following phases: attention switch, attention maintenance, comprehension and memory, attitudes and beliefs, motivation and behavior. The results indicated: predominance of tests on behavioral intentions and healthfulness perception; focus on the final phases of the C-HIP Model and less attention to aspects about information design in warning labels. It is concluded that there are gaps in nutrition research area about factors associated to the design and processing of warning information, thus demanding future investigations.


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Author Biography

Carlos Felipe Urquizar Rojas, Univille / UFPR

Mestrando do Programa de Pós Graduação em Design (PPGdesign) da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Especialista em Docência no Ensino Superior pelo Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci (UNIASSELVI/2013). Especialista em Direção de Criação pelo Instituto de Estudos em Arquitetura, Moda e Design - Orbitato (2011). Graduado em Desenho Industrial com habilitação em Programação Visual pelo Instituto de Ensino Superior de Joinville (UTESC/IESVILLE 2009). Tem experiência na área de comunicação, com ênfase em comunicação visual através do design gráfico, fotografia e vídeo. Já atuou como professor na Uniasselvi e como designer no Estúdio Firmorama e nas indústrias Lunender S.A e Marisol S.A. Atualmente além de atuar como professor da Universidade de Joinville - UNIVILLE e pesquisador no PPGdesign UFPR, dedica suas horas livres a produção cultural com a produtora Apneia Filmes.



How to Cite

Urquizar Rojas, C. F., & Galvão Spinillo, C. (2021). Warning assessment: Information design contributions to the evaluation of communication efficacy of front of packaging nutrition labelling. InfoDesign - Journal of Information Design, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.51358/id.v18i1.877


