
Call for papers

InfoDesign is an open access, peer reviewed, double blind pioneering journal in the field of Information Design. Since its inception in 2004, InfoDesign, founded by the SBDI (Brazilian Society of Information Design), has been at the forefront of promoting scholarly discourse and advancing research in Latin America and beyond.

In 2024, InfoDesign is celebrating its 20th anniversary.  As we celebrate this milestone, we invite submissions for a special issue dedicated to reflecting on the last two decades of Information Design worldwide. Over the years, Information Design has evolved into a mature and multidisciplinary field, embracing a wide array of topics and technologies. A critical examination of this period offers unique insights into issues related to representation, rhetoric, cognition, emotion, visual design, aesthetics, and methodologies, while also fostering interdisciplinary dialogue.

We welcome submissions on the following themes, but not limited to:

  • Historical and critical analyses of the past 20 years and beyond in Information Design
  • Advances in research and production within Information Design
  • Innovative activities and practices in Information Design over the years
  • Revisions of qualitative research methodologies in Information Design
  • Timelines mapping the evolution of Information Design in both research and practice
  • Reflections on past approaches in Information Design
  • Development of methodological frameworks and evaluation methodologies in the field
  • Challenges faced and future research agendas in Information Design 
  • Practitioner's point of view
  • Teaching and learning Information Design

We invite researchers to contribute their insights, experiences, and perspectives to this special issue, shaping the discourse on the past, present, and future of Information Design. Submissions undergo rigorous peer review and adhere to a double-blind review process.

Join us in commemorating two decades of excellence in Information Design and charting the course for its future. Submit your contributions to InfoDesign’s special 20th-anniversary issue until Sunday 23th July 2024.



Authors are invited to submit full papers (maximum 5000 words including all text parts). For this special issue, we will accept manuscripts written in English only. Relevant Reviews of recent publications or exhibitions on this topic are also invited. The manuscripts must follow the APA style. 

Before submitting, authors should consult the referencing guidelines in the Information for Authors at


Deadline for submission

Papers, Study Reports and Book/Exhibition Reviews should be submitted electronically at by Sunday 21th July 2024.



For questions about this call for papers, please contact the Editor coordinating this issue at doriskos(at)

  • Call for papers - New Deadline


    Due to requests, we have extended the deadline for submissions to the special issue of Information Design and Technology until 28 March 2023.

    Follow the call below:

    Call for papers

    InfoDesign - special issue

    Information design and technology

    For some time there has been a growing interest in investigating the use of technology in various activities and areas of information design, both in physical and digital environments. As technology becomes more interconnected and indispensable in our everyday lives, this has become an important and urgent area of research. With this special issue, we aim to bring together contributions that focus primarily on the relationship between information design and technology, and report on emerging issues within this topic.

    Related topics include, but are not limited to:

    Information Design in the Digital Age
    Digital education and information design
    Emerging technologies in information design
    Information design in virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence
    Histories of technology applied to information design
    New trends and themes in information design and technology
    Information and mobility design
    The use of technology for inclusive information design
    Digital data visualisation and data decisions
    Information in animation and digital game design
    Information design and user experience
    Digital information design for healthcare

    Submission instructions
    Authors are invited to submit full papers following InfoDesign guidelines, available HERE. For this special issue, we will accept manuscripts written in English only. Relevant reviews and interviews related to the topic of this special issue are also welcome.

    All manuscripts must be submitted via InfoDesign submission system.

    Publication schedule
    New deadline for submission: 28th March 2023
    Expected date of publication: December 2023

    Guest editors
    Letícia Pedruzzi Fonseca (UFES) and Virginia Tiradentes Souto (UnB)

    The editors of this special issue will be happy to discuss manuscript proposals prior to submission. They can be contacted via email <> <>

    Read more about Call for papers - New Deadline
  • Call for papers


    InfoDesign - special issue

    Information design and technology

    For some time there has been a growing interest in investigating the use of technology in various activities and areas of information design, both in physical and digital environments. As technology becomes more interconnected and indispensable in our everyday lives, this has become an important and urgent area of research. With this special issue, we aim to bring together contributions that focus primarily on the relationship between information design and technology, and report on emerging issues within this topic.

    Related topics include, but are not limited to:

    Information Design in the Digital Age
    Digital education and information design
    Emerging technologies in information design
    Information design in virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence
    Histories of technology applied to information design
    New trends and themes in information design and technology
    Information and mobility design
    The use of technology for inclusive information design
    Digital data visualisation and data decisions
    Information in animation and digital game design
    Information design and user experience
    Digital information design for healthcare

    Submission instructions
    Authors are invited to submit full papers following InfoDesign guidelines, available HERE. For this special issue, we will accept manuscripts written in English only. Relevant reviews and interviews related to the topic of this special issue are also welcome.

    All manuscripts must be submitted via InfoDesign submission system.

    Publication schedule
    Deadline for submission: 28th February 2023
    Expected date of publication: December 2023

    Guest editors

    Letícia Pedruzzi Fonseca (UFES) and Virginia Tiradentes Souto (UnB)

    The editors of this special issue will be happy to discuss manuscript proposals prior to submission. They can be contacted via email <> <>

    Read more about Call for papers
  • Call for papers - New Deadline


    Guest editors: Sara Goldchmit (USP) and Daniel Raposo (IPCB)

    This Special Issue of the journal InfoDesign invites contributions that explore the relationship between information design and health in its diverse and often complex contexts. As reinforced by COVID-19 pandemic, information design is both essential and challenging to the healthcare sector in empowering users to better access, visualize, understand, memorize, and engage with health information to ultimately enhance quality of life. We are looking for papers about information design approaches to address societal challenges in health and wellbeing, such as improving the accessibility and understanding of information in education, prescribing, diagnosis and monitoring of diseases, as well as awareness raising. This issue invites high quality original articles relevant to all aspects of information design in the context of health and wellbeing, that contribute to theory, research, practice, and education.

    Authors are invited to submit full papers following InfoDesign guidelines, available HERE. For this special issue, we will accept manuscripts written in English only. Relevant reviews and interviews related to the topic of this special issue are also welcome.

    All manuscripts must be submitted via InfoDesign submission system.

    New deadline for submission: 20th May 2022

    The editors of this special issue will be happy to discuss manuscript proposals prior to submission. They can be contacted via email <> <>.


    Read more about Call for papers - New Deadline
  • Appointments to InfoDesign Editorial Board


    Appointments to InfoDesign Editorial Board

    The Brazilian Information Design Society - SBDI wishes to invite design researchers who can offer a distinctive and dynamic contribution to the development of the field to apply to join the Editorial Board of InfoDesign - Brazilian Journal of Information Design <>, as Associate Editors. 

    Launched in 2004, InfoDesign is a pioneering initiative in Latin America, being the only scientific journal dedicated to information design in the region, and one of the few design research journals regularly published in Brazil. InfoDesign mission is the dissemination of theoretical and practical studies in the field of information design, encompassing results of investigations on the theory and history of information design; the development of information and communication systems; social and technological impacts of information design; and information design applied to teaching-learning processes.

    Associate Editors collaborate with the Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor, finding appropriate peer reviewers for papers assigned to them, and liaising with peer reviewers, authors, and the Managing Editor in order to guarantee a fair, swift and accurate review process. All Editorial Board members are expected to actively work towards encouraging authors to submit relevant work for the journal. Associate Editors should expect to devote at least two days per month to the journal, and participate in Editorial Board meetings, that should take place once a year. The review process is managed online, through the journal OJS platform, and Editorial Board meetings should typically occur online via Google Meet or similar resources.

    Appointment to the Board is for a five-year term of office, that can be further extended. Those appointed will enjoy a gratis membership of the Brazilian Information Design Society - SBDI.

    Candidates may be based anywhere in the world provided they have regular internet access. It is expected that they hold a PhD degree, and that they have experience in publishing and reviewing academic work.

    All applications will be analysed by a Selection Committee composed of members of SBDI board of directors and InfoDesign Editorial Board. In making its selection, the Committee will consider the extent to which each candidate meets the profile of an Associate Editor, as specified above, as well as the balance of subject expertise and skills of the Editorial Board as a whole. At the present time, applications are sought which extend the geographic reach of the journal, and the breadth of expertise of the Editorial Board, particularly in the area of technology and information communication systems. 

    Applications should be made by email message sent to the Managing Editor of the journal, Dr Virginia Tiradentes (, outlining the candidate’s suitability and a short curriculum vitae, including a list of relevant publications and participations in peer-review processes. 

    The deadline for applications is 12 October 2021.

    Read more about Appointments to InfoDesign Editorial Board
  • New articles were published in InfoDesign


    New articles were published in InfoDesign - Brazilian Journal of Information Design, v. 18 n. 1 (2021): Fluxo Contínuo

      Artigos Read more about New articles were published in InfoDesign
  • Nova modalidade de publicação


    Caros autores, colaboradores e leitores da InfoDesign,

    Mudamos a modalidade de publicação da InfoDesign para publicação contínua. Nessa modalidade, teremos um número que ficará aberto ao longo do ano e os artigos serão publicados assim que estiverem prontos para publicação (após passar por todas as etapas do processo editorial).   Convidamos a todos a acessar e ler os primeiros artigos publicados nesta modalidade:  v.18 n. 1 (2021): Fluxo Contínuo.   Além dessa modalidade, continuaremos publicando edições especiais, como a edição especial sobre visualização de dados, que está na fase de avaliação pelos pares.   Esperamos que o formato em fluxo contínuo traga mais agilidade na publicação dos artigos da revista, auxiliando na divulgação das pesquisas em Design da Informação.   Muito obrigada pela colaboração e interesse na InfoDesign.   Atenciosamente, Virginia Tiradentes Souto Editora Gerente da InfoDesign Read more about Nova modalidade de publicação
  • Call for papers


    InfoDesign plans an August 2021 issue on data visualization from the point of view of information design. Data visualization is now a mature field that showcases research in several multidisciplinary topics, mostly published in conferences and journals focusing on areas like HCI and computer science. The point of view of information design can offer singular insights on issues related to representation, rhetorics, cognition, emotion, visual design, aesthetics, data-driven design processes, and methodologies while, at the same time, cross-fertilizing these other fields. 

    Read more about Call for papers