Appointments to InfoDesign Editorial Board


Appointments to InfoDesign Editorial Board

The Brazilian Information Design Society - SBDI wishes to invite design researchers who can offer a distinctive and dynamic contribution to the development of the field to apply to join the Editorial Board of InfoDesign - Brazilian Journal of Information Design <>, as Associate Editors. 

Launched in 2004, InfoDesign is a pioneering initiative in Latin America, being the only scientific journal dedicated to information design in the region, and one of the few design research journals regularly published in Brazil. InfoDesign mission is the dissemination of theoretical and practical studies in the field of information design, encompassing results of investigations on the theory and history of information design; the development of information and communication systems; social and technological impacts of information design; and information design applied to teaching-learning processes.

Associate Editors collaborate with the Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor, finding appropriate peer reviewers for papers assigned to them, and liaising with peer reviewers, authors, and the Managing Editor in order to guarantee a fair, swift and accurate review process. All Editorial Board members are expected to actively work towards encouraging authors to submit relevant work for the journal. Associate Editors should expect to devote at least two days per month to the journal, and participate in Editorial Board meetings, that should take place once a year. The review process is managed online, through the journal OJS platform, and Editorial Board meetings should typically occur online via Google Meet or similar resources.

Appointment to the Board is for a five-year term of office, that can be further extended. Those appointed will enjoy a gratis membership of the Brazilian Information Design Society - SBDI.

Candidates may be based anywhere in the world provided they have regular internet access. It is expected that they hold a PhD degree, and that they have experience in publishing and reviewing academic work.

All applications will be analysed by a Selection Committee composed of members of SBDI board of directors and InfoDesign Editorial Board. In making its selection, the Committee will consider the extent to which each candidate meets the profile of an Associate Editor, as specified above, as well as the balance of subject expertise and skills of the Editorial Board as a whole. At the present time, applications are sought which extend the geographic reach of the journal, and the breadth of expertise of the Editorial Board, particularly in the area of technology and information communication systems. 

Applications should be made by email message sent to the Managing Editor of the journal, Dr Virginia Tiradentes (, outlining the candidate’s suitability and a short curriculum vitae, including a list of relevant publications and participations in peer-review processes. 

The deadline for applications is 12 October 2021.