Contributions of Information Design in the data visualization of a popular lettering’s research




In Brazilian graphic design, there is a growing movement that seeks to value manifestations of urban and popular graphics in search for its identity. An example is the popular lettering produced by professional letter painters and found in several cities across the country. To value them, it was developed a research that investigated its production in the Vitória’s Wide Metropolitan Area (ES) to search and recognize local styles that can attest their graphic identity. In the history design studies’ field, methodological procedures were adapted that enabled to its collection, cataloging, and analyzing its letters’ formal aspects and style, as well as the investigation of techniques and working methods of its creators. The aim of this paper is to present the adaptation in the methodological way and how Information Design procedure were used to visualize the research data. With the research results, the main aspects of popular lettering in relation to technological, social and cultural issues were identified, providing discussions the promote the Brazilian Graphic Memory and capixaba’s.


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Author Biographies

Amanda Ardisson Bento, UEMG

Bachelor in Industrial Design - Visual Programming at the Espírito Santo's Federal University (Ufes) and Master degree in Design at the Postgraduate Program in Design from the Minas Gerais' State University  (PPGD/UEMG). She participates of the research group -graphy: writing studies and the Typography Center (TipoLAB) of the Graphic Design Laboratory (LDG) at UEMG. She has experience in the area of Design, with an emphasis on visual communication, and works in the following areas: graphic design, visual identity, typography and design history.

Sérgio Antônio Silva, UEMG

Graduated in Literature, Master in Brazilian Literature and PhD in Comparative Literature from the Postgraduate Program in Literature at UFMG. Post-doctorate in History of Culture from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Professor and researcher at the Postgraduate Program in Design at the Minas Gerais' State University (PPGD/UEMG). Coordinator of the Latin American Network of Graphic Culture and the research group (CNPq base) -graphy: writing studies. Author of the books “A hora da Estrela de Clarice” and “Papel, feathers and paint: the memory of writing in Graciliano Ramos” and organizer of the “Book of typographers”.

Letícia Pedruzzi Fonseca, UFES

PhD and master in Design from PUC-Rio and bachelor in Industrial Design from Ufes. She is an associate professor of the Design course at Ufes. She coordinates the Design Laboratory: History and Typography (LadHT), is associate editor of Infodesign magazine, author of the book “A graphic revolution: Julião Machado and illustrated magazines in Brazil, 1895–1898” (Blucher, 2016) and organizer of the work “Production and publication of Espírito Santo magazines: inventory of public collections in the metropolitan region of Vitória, 1912- 2019” (Edufes, 2022).



How to Cite

Ardisson Bento, A., Antônio Silva, S., & Pedruzzi Fonseca, L. (2023). Contributions of Information Design in the data visualization of a popular lettering’s research. InfoDesign - Brazilian Journal of Information Design, 20(2).




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