Latin influences in Greek typography: historical analysis and non-predatory approach of multi-script projects


  • Sérgio Luciano da Silva
  • Sérgio Antônio Silva



History of typography, multi-script typography, Greek typeface design


Greek script has been involved in singular historical situations and processes and interlaced with the history of Latin script for ages. One of those circumstances is related to the setting and the development of Greek typography, which happened almost exclusively out of its territory. As a consequence, a quite expressive number of professionals engaged in this area is not Greek. At the same time, with the globalization of the means of communication, the production of typographic fonts in more than one script, mainly Latin and Greek, has increased considerably. Having the history traced by Greek typography in Europe as premise, this article has two goals. To highlight the relevance of foreign outstanding professionals who contributed to the forging of Greek typography between the 15th and 20th centuries. And, by having the observation and analysis of Matthew Carter´s and Hermann Zapf´s most recent creations as a start, to obtain concepts that make it possible for projects of new multi-script fonts to be based on technique and history without jeopardizing the cultural identity and the diversity of each script.




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Author Biographies

Sérgio Luciano da Silva

Sérgio Luciano da Silva é mestrando em Design pela Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, ED/UEMG, com o projeto “Faces e fontes multiescrita: fundamentos e critérios de design tipográfico”. Suas pesquisas atuais envolvem estudos em filosofia, grego antigo, latim e hebraico. Sócio da Adaequatio Estúdio de Criação, atua principalmente com sinalização indicativa e interpretativa de cidades históricas, exposições de parques ambientais, projetos gráficos de livros e criação tipográfica multiescrita.


Sérgio Antônio Silva

Sérgio Antônio Silva é Doutor em Letras: Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG); professor da Escola de Design da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (UEMG), atuando na Graduação em Design Gráfico e no Mestrado em Design, com disciplinas, orientações e pesquisas ligadas à semiótica e às teorias da escrita. Leciona ainda no curso de Letras do Centro Universitário de Sete Lagoas. É autor de A hora da estrela de Clarice.


How to Cite

da Silva, S. L., & Silva, S. A. (2011). Latin influences in Greek typography: historical analysis and non-predatory approach of multi-script projects. InfoDesign - Brazilian Journal of Information Design, 7(3), 28–42.


