Origins of information visualization in corporate bullet points: an archaeology of the graphic configuration paradigm in data visualizations (1979–1995)




The present work seeks to highlight the origin of the current paradigm of data visualization design and the logic of creating charts and presentations, which emerged with the personal computer revolution. The initial digital tools developed for producing corporate communication artifacts were crucial in establishing the reasoning and production flow of visualizations up to the present day. Knowing beforehand that the origin of data visualization predates personal computing by centuries, it’s surprising that it is now entirely subject to models and guidelines originating from computer sciences. Through an investigation conducted with an archaeological method adapted to design artifacts, it is possible to understand the discontinuity and abrupt transformations experienced in the conventions and values of this practice. Through this methodological approach, along with the analysis of the productive mindset discourse and the available tools in this specific period, it becomes possible to explain the changes that aparted the craft of visualization artifacts from the domain of art and/or design, subjecting them to corporate sphere empowered by emerging arsenal of information technologies.


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Biografía del autor/a

Guilherme Ranoya, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

PhD in Audiovisual Media and Processes (2013), MsC in Communication Sciences (2009), and Master in Strategic Management of Corporate Communication and Public Relations (2003) from the School of Arts and Communications at the University of São Paulo. Architect and urban planner graduated from Mackenzie University (2001). Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Design at the Federal University of Pernambuco (2019) and the Graduate Program in Design at the Center for Arts and Communication of the same institution (2017).

Rafael de Castro Andrade, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR, UP

PhD and Master in Design from the Federal University of Paraná (2020, 2014), graduated in Graphic Design from the State University of Londrina (2008). Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Design at the Federal University of Paraná (2023) and the Graduate Program at Universidade Positivo (2015). Founder of several design dissemination projects, including Pensar Infográfico (@pensarinfog) and the podcast Visual+mente (@vismaismente).




Cómo citar

Ranoya, G., & de Castro Andrade, R. (2024). Origins of information visualization in corporate bullet points: an archaeology of the graphic configuration paradigm in data visualizations (1979–1995). InfoDesign - Revista Brasileira De Design Da Informação, 21(2).


